Dec 30th Server under repeat DDOS attack
It is to inform you that clients on node CEDAR may face intermitted difficulty in accessing and operating website as currently this server is facing repeat DDOS attack. We are trying to migitate it but still server seems to be affected. So far we have not null-routed the server IPs as our DDOS migitation is able to handle it. Given the nature ... 閱讀全文 »
Dec 11th Scheduled Maintenance (14 Dec 2021 - 0400 to 0500 )
There is proposed disk replacement on some of the web-hosting some nodes. The details are as followed: START DATE: Tuesday, 14th Dec 2021 START TIME: 04:00 GMT END DATE: 05:00 GMT SERVICE/EQUIPMENT: NODE Disk Replacement AFFECTED NODES: cedar-vm-fr , birch-sy IMPACT OF WORK:If you are on one of above node affected node, there could be ... 閱讀全文 »